Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's official!

You know how every little girl dreams of the day she gets to wear the huge gorgeous white dress! It is actually happening! Mom and I along with a couple other amazing people spent a little less than 48 hours and without looking too hard found the absolute perfect dress. I couldn't be more thankful and excited! I can't thank my parents enough for all the generous support and encouragement they are doing to make this day so special!!! I'm so excited! It's actually happening! We set the date and I now have a dress on it's way! I'm so excited! (i also found this pretty cute dress for bridesmade dresses... I like the cut alot. We'll see what happens!)


  1. Oooh! I actually REALLY love this dress! I think it would look beautiful! (Nice photo, by the way!)

  2. what does it mean when a person "actually" really likes something? Cause if it means you really really really do... me too!

  3. I guess that's what it means! I really really really like it! I think it's beautiful! The fabric looks really thick and luxurious. Have you found any like that yet in silver?
